Sunday, November 15, 2009

My New Blog

It may come as a surprise to some, (especially the peeps who went to school with me!haha) but I am a history buff. Especially WWII history. I first became interested in WWII because my Papaw was a war hero and I was looking up facts for my Dad for his Father's Day gift. I discovered what a true war hero he really was. I mean, I always knew that he had gotten a lot of medals, won a purple heart, he even got his arm shot off in combat! But I never really appreciated how brave he was. It actually put my life in perspective, whenever I would let little things get me down...everyday life seemed so minute and mundane when you compare it to what they all went thru. Which brings me this post...I think we sometimes forget, or don't realize just what the men and women in our military are doing for us. Our veterans from the past and present, all the way to our military fighting for our freedom today. I am as guilty as everybody else, but I have decided to do something about it. At least for my own self. I have so many friends whose spouses are deployed, or have friends and family members who are. This is my tribute to them.

I have decided to start a blog in honor of all our soldiers past, present and future. With permission, I would like to post pictures and stories about some of our loved ones. I'll also post stories and pictures of my papaw and his expeirences during WWII. This is not a format for debating politics, or whether you are for or against our war. The fact is we ARE at war, and I support all of our soldiers and appreciate them for risking their lives every day so that we can live our normal day to day life.

It makes my stomach hurt everytime the news comes on and reports more deaths in Afganistan or Iraq. It makes me feel bad that I'm at home worring about doing laundry and picking up kids from school when we literally have fathers, sons, daughters, mothers, dying for us. So this is a celebration to them.

I would like to share heroic stories about our brave soldiers. I invite anyone to share with me any stories or articles that you think might make a good post. Thanks yall! And GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

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