My good friend, Laura, has a brother who is serving in Iraq. He is a true hero. This is his 2nd tour in Iraq. The below correspondence was emailed to Laura from someone from Coast Electric that sent her brother an email thanking him on Veteran's Day. To their surprise he responded by phone and email.
This is what transcribed...I had the nicest surprise of my life when I received a phone call today from Major Bryan Olier (son of Rene Olier) from Iraq. I was speechless. I can't believe he took the time to call me to thank me for the Veteran's Day email when it's I -- us-- that should be thanking him and all of our other military heroes.
Please see Bryan's message to us all below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Olier, David B MAJ 1-155th CAB 1-155th CAB MAJ
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 4:41 PM
To: Rene Olier
subject: "Thank You!" (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
I am Major Bryan Olier, currently serving in Iraq. Today is Veterans Day and there is no place in the World that I would rather be. The men and women currently serving our Nation truly know the price of freedom and more so the families back home. As I told Ms. xxxxxx tonight on the phone that we appreciate the kind words and the prayers. With this being my second tour, I personally find the news misleading and presenting to the Nation a picture of gloom and doom. If I could tell
you from the front lines here in Iraq, the war is not here. Nor is the War in Afghanistan. The real war is back home! The real fight is to get the American people to know the Decisive Effort (Military Terminology) is in our homes, around the supper table, in our schools and places of work. The fight that I as a child never had to worry about! My Dad, always taught me to "work hard" and "your word is your bond" and "you can be called many bad things, but never let another man call you lazy" and "never settle for the standard, always raise the bar." These are the fights we must as Americans put back in our everyday conversations. With this type of offense! We build a strong defense to our Communities, tate, and our Nation.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! On behalf of the thousands of men and women, we "Thank you!" for staying in the fight!
Major Bryan Olier